Follow along through the challenges of fatherhood and fitness

Follow me as I grow as a father, continue to improve my fitness, and hopefully continue losing weight towards my goal of 60lbs (10lbs to go! 8.25.12).

I never set out to be overweight but I love beer, wine, scotch, and all sorts of terrible food. I didn't choose to get out of shape it just sort of happened. All that changed when I found out my wife was pregnant in December 2010. I decided it was time to set myself up to be a fitdad not a fatdad.

No one ever said it would be easy though. Dealing with a newborn and trying to continue exercising as well as being there for my wife as her husband and friend. As our son gets older and our family grows what impact will that have on my fitness and diet? Stay tuned to find out! Subscribe via email, or add me to your reader. Please make sure to share on twitter, facebook, or follow along by adding your email to my list.

Do you have a diet or exercise product you would like reviewed in the blog, please contact me at

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Why Do I run?

Why Do I Run?

I do it because I am selfish...because I want to be healthy for me.

I do it because I want to lose weight.

I do it because I want to keep up with Noah as he learns to run.

I do it because I want to be around to nag my wife for as long as possible.

I do it because it's liberating.

I do it because it's about freedom.

I do it because I love it.

I do it because at 32 I want to have a 6 pack again.

I do it because my pants fit better.

I do it because I can.

I do it because it's how I find my rhythm.

I do it because no matter how fast or slow I am I feel like I have accomplished something.

I do it because I never want to be fat again.

I do it because it brings me joy.

"I always loved was something you could do by yourself, and under your own power. You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs." 
-Jesse Owens

Why do you run?

Monday, February 27, 2012

it worked!!

Well, the "experiment" worked I continued on the weight watchers plan eating my weekly points as I have been, and increased my cardio for 2 straight weeks.  I get up almost everyday before work at 5:30a, and get 30 minutes in on the bike or treadmill.  I reserve my long runs training for the Pittsburgh Marathon Relay for my days off from work when I can spend a little more time on the treadmill.  I am trying to limit myself to 1 or 2 days of rest during the week.

My weigh in this week has me down over 3lbs in 2 weeks, I am now only 16 lbs away from my goal weight.  I am 16lbs away from weighing in at my ideal body weight and qualifying for The Million Dollar You as part of Dr Oz's Transformation Nation.

I knew this would be the outcome and part of me is wondering why I didn't do this sooner...OH WAIT...I have a baby at home who for the first few months of his life was up every few hours at night.  We were lucky we had the energy to get up and go to work some days.  I am shocked I didn't gain 10 lbs the first few months of Noah's life...  (He has been sleeping through the night now since he hit 12 lbs...which was somewhere around the 3 month mark).  Most nights he sleeps 7pm to 7am...give or take.  We are blessed.

I am incredibly motivated now and feel like I have a renewed vigor to continue losing and cross the finish line in this year long marathon I have been through.  Of course the work doesn't end when I reach my goal weight either!  I will have to re-evaluate myself and set new goals for fitness and health!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Aggressive Change.

I need to ramp up my weight loss, I've been stalled too long.

I forgot how good it feels to run 3 or 4 miles at 5:30am while most of you are sleeping.

I didn't even need coffee this morning.

I am increasing my cardio to 5-6 days a week for 30 minutes a day to see if I can jump start my weight loss and finally get over this 190-200lb plateau and onward to my goal of 175.

I need to be in the 170's by April 2nd.

There is $1 million dollars at stake.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Live one day...

(I'm sure this blog has been done 1000 times before 1000 different ways, but bear with me's new to me.)

What if you were to live one day like an infant?

Every experience was new.

Every sound was unique.

Every object was exciting.

Every person was someone new to smile with.

Every meal was a new experience.

Even the most simple task was monumental when it was completed.

Watching Noah grow the past few months has been an amazing and life defining experience.  As we sit on the floor and we read books or play with his toys all I can think of is what must it be like to be in that brain.  When every silly sound is funny, every book is new, every toy brings him joy.  I can't begin to wrap my own overwhelmed and taxed brain around that.

He wakes up in the morning and lays in bed and "talks" to himself, sometimes to the point of laughter.  Then when we come into his room and turn on the lights he is so excited to see us, it's as if he hasn't seen us in months.  The arms start going, the face lights up with a smile, the legs start kicking.

Noah shakes with excitement when the remote control lights up.  He smiles and laughs when I make mouth noises that would otherwise annoy most people.  He sees a light turn on and he is shocked.  He sees other children and is enamored with them.  He sees his reflection in the mirror and smiles...then when he sees the smile returned in the mirror he smiles bigger.  He is becoming more aware of his environment everyday.  He can hear us coming down the hallway before he sees us, he turns and waits until we get close then bursts into a smile.

I am in awe of this little man most days, he has grounded me in ways I didn't think possible.  He inspires me everyday.

I wish sometimes I could hit a reset button on my brain for a day an just see things like a child again...unpolluted, unfettered, free again.

For one day I wish I could think like an infant...see the world through his eyes.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Not Special.

I'm not special.

I'm not doing anything that you or anyone else can't do.

I had a coworker tell me I was inspirational...I'm not.

I'm just a regular guy who is trying to better his life by getting back in shape and losing weight.  Weight that would have eventually shortened my life span and spurred on more health issues.

So if you are reading this blog and there is one thing you should take away from it is that you can do anything you set your mind to.

Get up from your computer and go for a walk.  Do some push ups.  Go for a run.  Ride a bike.  Chase your kids.  Chase your spouse.  Love your life and live it.  Vow to improve your health, then go do it.  Don't eat that cookie have an apple.  Don't drink that soda have a water.  Skip the chips and walk around the block.  Take the steps instead of the elevator.  Turn off the tv and play a game with your family.  Tell your kids you love them, everyday.  Park as far from the mall as possible and walk everywhere.  Race the dog around the yard, do it again, keep doing it till you are both panting.  Drop and give me 10.  Do a situp, do 10 more, then 20 more...then 100...1000? I dare you.  Do a pull up.  rest.  Do another.  JumpJacks.  JumpRope.  Jump in a pool, swim a lap.  Sign off facebook and go call a friend, better yet call that friend and go for a walk.  Take 10,000 steps everyday.  Do a puzzle, flex your brain muscles.  Change your diet and your life.  Skip the processed foods and eat a salad with olive oil and balsamic.  Sign up for a race, train.  Sign up for another race, train harder.  Tell your spouse you love them.  Laugh. Breath. Repeat, until you feel better.  Skip the cheese and the fries.  Tell yourself that the only thing holding you back is the fear of getting better.  GET BETTER.  Snowboard, Ski, or snowshoe.  Hike, climb, roll, and tumble.  Get off your butt and do something, anything, GET BETTER, you get one life.

The only thing holding you back is you.  Be a better you, take one step forward and don't look back.

I'm not special, I just decided to be better.  What's stopping you?