Follow along through the challenges of fatherhood and fitness

Follow me as I grow as a father, continue to improve my fitness, and hopefully continue losing weight towards my goal of 60lbs (10lbs to go! 8.25.12).

I never set out to be overweight but I love beer, wine, scotch, and all sorts of terrible food. I didn't choose to get out of shape it just sort of happened. All that changed when I found out my wife was pregnant in December 2010. I decided it was time to set myself up to be a fitdad not a fatdad.

No one ever said it would be easy though. Dealing with a newborn and trying to continue exercising as well as being there for my wife as her husband and friend. As our son gets older and our family grows what impact will that have on my fitness and diet? Stay tuned to find out! Subscribe via email, or add me to your reader. Please make sure to share on twitter, facebook, or follow along by adding your email to my list.

Do you have a diet or exercise product you would like reviewed in the blog, please contact me at

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Workout? Not so much.

I had another uneventful weigh in this week.  I am plateaued at 199lbs, not that I am complaining though because I also haven't gained any weight in over 6 weeks.  I was only able to get a run in this week twice, which was disappointing but not the end of the world.  I am off tomorrow and after a dr appointment for Noah and a haircut for dad I am going to go for a run.  Hopefully get the week started of on the right foot!

Noah is doing really well now that he is primarily on formula.  He gets about 4 to 6 formula bottles and 4 breast milk bottles each day now.  Christine is primarily pumping because Noah all but refuses to breast feed anymore.  The problem is that bottles flow very easily even if a baby isn't actively sucking on them.  The breasts...well, not so much.  The baby has to work very hard to feed from the breast, he has to earn it.  Since we were forced to supplement Noah's diet until Christine's milk production came up we ended up spoiling him as well.  We are disappointed that he isn't breast feeding anymore but relieved as well because now we know how much he is eating at each feeding.  He is eating almost every 2 hours during the day right now and about every 4 or 5 hours during the night.  On the plus side for Christine, I am now able to wake up with Noah and feed him at night so she can get a little more sleep.

I don't have much else to comment on tonight, working till 9 and listening to the Steelers game on the radio until I get home.

Here is the last month in cell phone has my little boy changed in 4 weeks!

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