Follow along through the challenges of fatherhood and fitness

Follow me as I grow as a father, continue to improve my fitness, and hopefully continue losing weight towards my goal of 60lbs (10lbs to go! 8.25.12).

I never set out to be overweight but I love beer, wine, scotch, and all sorts of terrible food. I didn't choose to get out of shape it just sort of happened. All that changed when I found out my wife was pregnant in December 2010. I decided it was time to set myself up to be a fitdad not a fatdad.

No one ever said it would be easy though. Dealing with a newborn and trying to continue exercising as well as being there for my wife as her husband and friend. As our son gets older and our family grows what impact will that have on my fitness and diet? Stay tuned to find out! Subscribe via email, or add me to your reader. Please make sure to share on twitter, facebook, or follow along by adding your email to my list.

Do you have a diet or exercise product you would like reviewed in the blog, please contact me at

Monday, September 19, 2011


I sometimes have trouble coming up with blog posts so that is why I don't post one every day.  Sometimes the posts just come easily because something happens that is worthy of an editorial.  This weekend was not one of those weekends.  It was a relatively uneventful weekend, come to think of it, it was actually a surprisingly normal weekend.  When I say normal weekend I would be referring to the time BEFORE Noah was born.  Since he has been born nothing in the last month has been "normal."

Saturday was a relatively relaxing day, woke up cut the grass, spent some time with the in laws and then spent the evening on the couch with the wife and boy.  Sunday we spent the day in Imperial, PA at my brothers house celebrating the birthday of his son, my nephew, Nicolas.  We had a great time just getting out of the house and spending some time with family.  It was Noah's first adventure out of the house to a family party.  He handled the situation mightily, he didn't sleep much during the day though so he passed out and slept really well during the evening.  We were pleasantly surprised when he was zonked out in my arms at 8:30pm.  I wasn't really tired yet (go figure) so I stayed on the couch just holding him for about an hour.  I then swaddled him in a "swaddler" and took him to his bassinet.  He remained there until after 12am, over 4 hours in one stretch!! HALLELUJAH!  Christine awoke to his cries and fed him and returned to bed, he slept again until almost 430am.  After being in bed since 9:30pm I was pretty much wide awake at this point so I volunteered to hold him until he fell back asleep.  After he fell back asleep I just sat and watched the news and grabbed a cup of coffee.  Hindsight being 20/20 in the future I am going to have to take that time to go for a run or hop on the bike trainer in the game room and get some miles in before the sun comes up.

All my life (at least as far back as I can remember) I have always fought going to sleep early.  I think I just have the personality that if I am asleep at 8pm that I am going to miss something important.  Now that I have a child though that thought process has COMPLETELY changed.  I will take sleep when and if I can get it.  If I get 8 hours of sleep and am still up at 4am I am ok with that, I will just have to start better utilizing my time that early in the morning.  Thank heaven for treadmills (dreadmills..I hate them) and for bike trainers though because 4am in the winter is going to be freezing cold and dark.

Saturday was also Noah's one month birthday, and while I don't have the "official"  Daddy-O Photography pictures to post yet I do have a few that I took with my cell phone to mark the occasion.

I also had a weigh in on Sunday and it was uneventful.  I have been stuck at 199 for more than a month.  I am not complaining though because I am not gaining.  I have most likely hit a plateau due to the decrease in exercise I have had in the last month.

Have a great rest of your Monday FitFans.

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