Follow along through the challenges of fatherhood and fitness

Follow me as I grow as a father, continue to improve my fitness, and hopefully continue losing weight towards my goal of 60lbs (10lbs to go! 8.25.12).

I never set out to be overweight but I love beer, wine, scotch, and all sorts of terrible food. I didn't choose to get out of shape it just sort of happened. All that changed when I found out my wife was pregnant in December 2010. I decided it was time to set myself up to be a fitdad not a fatdad.

No one ever said it would be easy though. Dealing with a newborn and trying to continue exercising as well as being there for my wife as her husband and friend. As our son gets older and our family grows what impact will that have on my fitness and diet? Stay tuned to find out! Subscribe via email, or add me to your reader. Please make sure to share on twitter, facebook, or follow along by adding your email to my list.

Do you have a diet or exercise product you would like reviewed in the blog, please contact me at

Friday, July 27, 2012

Why do I run...

Another why do I run segment...why, well, because I am lacking in creative original ideas for a new post I guess.

Why Do I Run?

1.  Because I never want to be 250lbs again.
2.  Because slow or fast it still feels good.
3.  Because Noah isn't getting any slower...
4.  Because I like being able to comfortably bend over and tie my shoes.
5.  Because my pants fit better than ever.
6.  Because I want to have abs again.
7.  Because sometimes I still like to eat like crap.
8.  Because there is no better stress reliever.
9.  Because runners love a good cliche.
10 Because I am my own biggest competitor.
11 Because nothing feels better than cool rain on hot skin in the summer.
12 Because I want to be faster.
13 Because I never want to be out of breath walking up steps again.
14 Because my health depends on it.
15 Because endorphins are a poweful drug.
16 Because I want to be the best example for my child, so he doesn't become an overweight statistic.
17 Because you can never have enough running shoes.
18 Because that breathing you hear is stress disappearing.
19 Because at 6am you have the world to yourself.
20 Because its an excuse to not cut the grass.
21 Because I like nachos too much.
22 Because I want to be better than I was yesterday
23 Because I like to make lists about running to bore you.
24 Because I still can..
20 Because I want to be able to outrun the Zombies...because I only have to be faster than you :)

So why do you run?

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Killer Brick workout.

I had a day off from work yesterday, and my mom graciously came over and watched Noah for a few hours so that I could sneak away and get a ride and run in.  (Thanks Mom!)

I met Mark in our usual parking lot in South Park and was already dreading the insane level of heat and humidity for 10am in Pittsburgh.  (It was 76 and the humidity was actually causing my sunglasses to fog when I got out of the car).

We commenced warming up our legs cruising up and down Corrigan drive (2 miles end to end), followed by a large hill and out on to the local streets.  We rode for a little over an hour (1:05) and covered about 15.5 miles.  We had a few steep hills thrown in for good measure and I can honestly say that I probably would have hopped off (gasp! cardinal sin! I know) and walked had it not been for Mark barking at me from behind.  Once he could see that I would make the top of the hill he would find another level or stamina, mash the pedals and wait for me at the top.

Upon completion of the bike we took a minute to rehydrate and change out of our cycling gear and then went for a leisurely run.  We covered 2 miles in about seventeen and a half minutes.

For me the worst part of the brick workout is the beginning of the run after hopping off the bike.  I don't know if its a lack of blood flow to the muscles necessary for running or maybe a little dehydration but my calves always bark back at me.  Usually the seize up about 10 strides into the run forcing me to pull over and stretch them out.  Once I have that moment to stretch though they feel wonderful after that.

I came home to a happy baby boy and a pleased mother who got some quality time with her grandson!   I proceeded to feed Noah some lunch as he is now on soft solid foods.  The kid loves mandarin oranges, elbow mac, cheese, yogurt, and his corn crunchies.  It's such a joy to watch him feed himself because you can see the level of pride he gets from doing it himself.  He looks to me or Christine everytime he feeds himself for appreciation and it's adorable every time.  We are slowly adding more and more foods for him to try so that we can keep his menu as diverse as possible.

After Noah had lunch I whipped up some turkey burgers with light cheese, spinach and tomatoes on whole wheat buns for my mother and I.  It was a protein packed healthy lunch that really hit the spot after my intense workout.  We had a side of sweet potato chips with sea salt to add a little crunch to the meal as well.

I also owe the blog an 11 month update which I will post soon.  Noah hit 11 months last week and I have taken the pictures, but haven't had enough free time to develop the photos on lightroom.

Today was definitely a killer workout, and I am feeling it in my quads, calves, and hips but already looking forward to the next day I can get out on my bike.

Get out there and get fit, make the little changes you need to daily to improve your life!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Running Reality Check.

Let's face the facts, most of us weekend warriors and fun runners are never going to break into the Olympics.  We will never win any major races and we will never compete against the worlds best.  None of those stark reminders will ever stop us from running.  I don't run because I want to win races (maybe when I was not so much), I run because I can, because I love it.  There is something incredibly liberating and uplifting about putting feet to pavement.  There is something inherently primal about running freely with nowhere to go and nowhere to be.  The sound of your breath, the pumping of your heart, and the sweat dripping from your nose.

As a kid I remember just running, it didn't matter what shoes you had on, what clothes you were wearing we just ran because we could.  We ran while we played, hustling through the brush in the woods playing war.  Chasing each other for hours during a game of tag or capture the flag.  We didn't do it to keep in shape, we did it because it was better than getting caught and becoming "it."  One of the things I am realizing in my "old age" of 33 is that I am not going to be winning any races any time soon.  Maybe if I keep this up long enough and run into my senior years I will be able to win some geezer classes at local 5k's...then again all those faster people from younger days will probably still be able to outrun me then too.

This whole blog/thought process came about the other day when I was getting ready to run...yeah getting ready is what I have sunk to.  It's becoming a process just to get out the door and do something I love.   Shorts, tech shirt, socks, shoes, ipod, sunglasses, and a garmin watch.  Walk out the door, music on check, watch turned on check, searching for satellites...searching...searching...searching.  I walk/jog aimlessly up and down the street waiting for the signal.  The music is sporadic sometimes I love the song sometimes I feel like I skip 4 or 5 in a row because I am just not "feeling" that song today.   When all the stars align and the satellites talk to the watch and the ipod plays my favorite songs I do get a little caught up in the run...but most days I find myself getting home and obsessing about times or splits.  What can I do to get faster or run longer or lose more weight.  Why can't I just turn off the competitive side of my brain and just run?  Well?  Why can't I...

I've decided that I need some mindless stat free, music free, satellite free, gear free runs.  I need to incorporate  runs into my schedule that are just that, Runs...and nothing else.  I just need shoes, socks, shorts, and a tee.  Walk out the door and just run, when my breathing and pace dictate it speed up, when they don't slow down.  Take time to pause and watch nature around me, take in the sights, sounds and smells of the run.  Enjoy the simple pleasure of noticing the sweat, hypnotizing myself with the rhythmic sounds of my breath.  Getting lost in the gentle patter of my shoes on the pavement, forget the watch, forget the time, sing my own song and just run.

Sure the timed runs at times are important especially if you are training for a race or have a goal that you want to achieve...but some days it just needs to be about the run and nothing else.  Because if I can't just get out and run because I love it, then why am I doing this at all?

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Day 38, Official Streak End.

Today is the day, we have reached 38 consecutive days of running at least one mile.  Since the U.S. is so excited for us there will be fireworks shows all around the states supporting the runners world run streak....

Oh, wait, no.  Today is the 4th of July, those fireworks are celebrating the birth of this great country!

Today I chose to do a treadmill run because I had Noah while Christine was at spin class.  He went down for a nap around 9 a.m.  I ran for 4.7 miles this morning, was shooting for 5 miles but he started rousing in the crib and I didn't want to push my luck.

I hope everyone enjoys the holiday today be safe.

Happy Fourth of July!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Day 37. almost to the finish line.

Day 37, the finish line for the streak is 7/4/12.  Although I am not sad to see it go, part of me is wondering what streak I will start next (or when)...

I definitely need to find something that doesn't require me to get up everyday at 5:45am when I work 12 hour days.

Felt pretty good this morning, but was on a time crunch so the run ended quick.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Day 36. 2 days remain.

Day 35 of the Runner's World Run Streak.

Only 2 days of running remain until the Fourth of July!  Can honestly say that this has been an awesome experience but I will be glad when its over and I can take a rest day.  Mad props to any runner who sustains an above average running streak, physically it is very demanding.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fitdad-MSBR Triathlon.

Fitdad-MSBR Triathlon.

No it's not what you think, there was no real race...there were no yellow jersey's, no finisher medals.  Today I spent my morning catching up with some friends from Texas.  I met up with Susan (of Momswimbikrun fame) and her husband George for a bike ride through the undulating hills of Mars/Valencia/Pine area.

We started at Pine Richland Highschool and rode one of George's favorite training routes around the area.  It was a hot but beautiful morning for a ride.  There were a great deal of other riders out on the roads as well.  It was nice to be in an area where road cycling is respected.  Cars gave us the (legally required) 4ft berth when passing us, no one honked, and we were able to focus on our ride.

I had a great time riding with them (13.8 miles..right Susan?) followed by 1.0 miles on the track at the high school to complete my run for the streak.

Afterwards we headed over to First watch in Cranberry for breakfast.  Christine and Noah drove up to meet us as well because the Tirch's have never met Noah.  Breakfast conversation was a nice way to catch up and share some fun stories about their time in Texas, I should have taken some pictures. (Facepalm).

So there you have it, the Fitdad-MSBR Triathlon (Bike, Run, EAT!!).

(As an aside note, I was unable to post my Saturday run online because we were at a wedding yesterday and I never had time.  Saturday's run was 3.8 miles on the treadmill).

Time to go watch the DVR of the Tour from this morning. (Stage one Liege to Seraing).


Also rooting for the rookie American on BMC Tejay Van Garderen