Follow along through the challenges of fatherhood and fitness

Follow me as I grow as a father, continue to improve my fitness, and hopefully continue losing weight towards my goal of 60lbs (10lbs to go! 8.25.12).

I never set out to be overweight but I love beer, wine, scotch, and all sorts of terrible food. I didn't choose to get out of shape it just sort of happened. All that changed when I found out my wife was pregnant in December 2010. I decided it was time to set myself up to be a fitdad not a fatdad.

No one ever said it would be easy though. Dealing with a newborn and trying to continue exercising as well as being there for my wife as her husband and friend. As our son gets older and our family grows what impact will that have on my fitness and diet? Stay tuned to find out! Subscribe via email, or add me to your reader. Please make sure to share on twitter, facebook, or follow along by adding your email to my list.

Do you have a diet or exercise product you would like reviewed in the blog, please contact me at

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Meanwhile At the North Pole

I had my first "paying" gig as a photographer yesterday.  Noah, Christine, and I played host to Mark, Kristin, and Carly for their Christmas pictures.  I was paid in PF Changs, quite a delicious reward for time spent with good friends, plus Noah got time with his giiirrrlllfriend.  She spent most of her time just begging him for the credit card so she could go shopping.

Carly was a very good sport the entire time, she posed pretty for the camera and smiled alot.

(She was pooped at the end, and let us know when she had had enough!)

It's so nice that we have friends and family with kids who are all so close in age.  I am looking forward to our kids all growing up together.  I am also really looking forward to the time when Noah can understand Christmas and really appreciate the season!  We spent this past weekend at my brother and sister in laws house seeing Santa!  Most kids ran away from Santa terrified because he was a stranger, Noah being the happy go lucky kid he is just stared at him.

Here are some of the highlights from their party.
 So this is what it's all about it...oh yeah...presents!
 I've been told he has "Orpik" eyes.
 Who is this guy?
 Emry wasn't too excited about Santa, but we love gifts!
 Get that camera out of my face!
 Love this picture!  Santa's eyes are closed and you can just see the love.
 The happy hosts with Santa.
 Aren't the holidays really just about the food?
 Avery and Mommy
Happy guy award goes to this little man!

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